If you're looking for a low-maintenance way to enhance your appearance, permanent makeup might be a tempting option.
This cosmetic procedure involves tattooing pigment onto your skin to create the illusion of natural vibrancy that doesn't wash off.
However, permanent makeup isn't for everyone, and there are some people who should avoid it altogether.
In this blog, we'll discuss who should avoid permanent makeup.
There are some individuals who are not suitable for cosmetic tattoos due to health concerns, medical contraindications, or an increased likelihood of poor results. Out of concern and consideration of our clients' health, we screen for potential contraindications prior to your treatment. The most common potential issues are explained below.
• Under 18 years of age
• Pregnant/breastfeeding
• Active skin conditions
• Prone to keloid scarring
• Using prescribed blood thinners
• Using Accutane
• Prescription creams/steroids in desired treatment area
• Undergoing chemo or radiation therapy
• Blood borne disease (ex. HIV, Hepatitis)
• Diabetic
• Hemophilia
• There is always a risk of infection and passing it onto the baby.
Skin Conditions

Eczema | Psoriasis | Rosacea | Dermatitis
Medications, stress, allergies, weather, and skin injuries can cause flares - including tattoos. This can create an environment that will hinder proper healing and cause poor retention.
Accutane: Prescription creams/steroids in desired treatment area. It can reject the pigment and cause excessive bleeding. They can make the area very sensitive to tattoo.
Prescription creams/steroids in desired treatment area
Undergoing chemo or radiation therapy
Blood borne disease (ex. HIV, Hepatitis)
Hemophilia: Excessive bleeding (or issues with clotting) can push the pigment out of the skin, leading to poor retention and outcomes.
Allergies to:
Our pigments do contain glycerin. Individuals who are allergic to any of the above substances cannot have the treatment due to risk of adverse reactions.
We may use a comforting agent (numbing cream) but they are not strictly necessary to perform a treatment; cosmetic tattoos are significantly less painful than regular tattoos. Treatments done without the use of comforting agents can result in better ink retention.
People with sensitive skin
If you have sensitive skin, you should think twice before getting permanent makeup. The tattooing process can irritate your skin, and you may experience redness, swelling, or even an allergic reaction. If you already have eczema or psoriasis, permanent makeup can exacerbate these conditions and make your skin even more inflamed.
Before getting permanent makeup, make sure to consult with a dermatologist to see if it's safe for your skin type.
Pregnant or nursing women
If you're pregnant or nursing, it's best to avoid permanent makeup. The ink used in the procedure may contain chemicals that could harm your baby. Additionally, your body is going through a lot of changes during this time, and your skin may react differently to the tattooing process than it normally would. It's best to wait until after you've given birth and finished nursing before considering permanent makeup.
People with autoimmune disorders
If you have an autoimmune disorder, you should avoid permanent makeup. These conditions, such as lupus or multiple sclerosis, cause your immune system to attack healthy cells in your body. This can make it harder for your body to heal after the tattooing process and may cause complications.
Additionally, if you're taking immunosuppressant medications, your body may be more susceptible to infections, which could be a risk with permanent makeup.
People with a history of keloids or scarring
If you've had keloids or scarring in the past, you should avoid permanent makeup. The tattooing process can cause additional scarring, which can be more noticeable if you have a history of keloids.
Additionally, if you have scarring in the area where you want the makeup, it may not look as natural or even as it would on smooth skin.
Finally, if you have unrealistic expectations about what permanent makeup can do, you should avoid it. While it can enhance your appearance and make your daily routine easier, it's not a magic solution to all your beauty problems. Permanent makeup can fade over time and may need touch-ups, and it won't necessarily make you look like a completely different person.
Make sure to have a realistic understanding of what permanent makeup can do before committing to the procedure.
In conclusion, while permanent makeup can be a convenient and low-maintenance way to enhance your appearance, it's not for everyone. If you have sensitive skin, are pregnant or nursing, have an autoimmune disorder or a history of keloids or scarring, or have unrealistic expectations, you should avoid permanent makeup.
You can always book a consult with us before undergoing any cosmetic procedure to ensure your safety and satisfaction.